The activities of the Firm include the complex system of activities and regulatory obligations for both companies and individuals, in a context of continuous updating and regulatory in-depth analysis.
Consultancy for the management of employees and self-employed
Payroll processing
- Social security contributions INPS – INAIL – ENPALS – Supplementary Pension Funds
- Industrial relations
- Labor litigation – Individual and collective litigation
- Contributional litigation
- Restructuring and business reorganization
- Management of social shock absorbers – ordinary and special integration fund – activation of the mobility procedure
- Assistance in the social security and tax assessment.
The administration of personnel in all its aspects, contractual, legal, tax, insurance, accounting, union and human resource management, with development of costs, cost calculations, budget, analysis and optimization of business dynamics and strategies.
The establishment of employment relationships and related contracts until the resolution, the compilation of mandatory documents and registers, relations with social security and insurance institutions (Inps, Enpals, Inail, Previndai, Phases, etc.), tax and tributaries (Ag. of Revenue).
Monthly processing:
single job book with monthly summaries in laser format, electronic file on the bank track of salaries to be credited, monthly union file withholding file, F24 model file, electronic sending of uniemens models, cost summaries in various partitions (eg: for qualification, cost, nature ratio, etc.) for industrial accounting, tabulation of situation / increase in deferred charges, analyst absenteeism tables and / or cost center, management of coordinated and continuous managers and collaborators, complementary and health funds, complaints Cassa Edile, Enpals, cash integration and social safety nets in general, contracts for the establishment and termination of work relations, cost simulation, etc.
Annual elaborations:
- tax: CU models for employees and self-employed, model 770 telematic with insertion of panels not related to personnel management, data sheet for taxes (IRAP) calculation, sector studies, substitute tax statement t.f.r.;
- social security / insurance and different: annual disabled personal complaint, INAIL model self-clearance, equal opportunity report.
Since August 2018 we have migrated to WEB PAYROLL, the Zucchetti management software completely developed on a web platform.
Zucchetti spa, a leading company in the field of products for personnel administration, is the partner that has always accompanied our company for the quality, guarantee of reliability and innovation of its management, fundamental for the development of our business.
WEB PAYROLL has been developed in SQL (structure query language) fundamental for the creation of relational databases on its server.
This language allows the creation and execution of queries (queries to the database) to obtain more complete data extraction than those generally offered by other applications and above all more responsive to customer requests.
- the right to be able to share company / employee archives with the Customer and to interact with this also in terms of data entry;
- creation / sharing of formats, tables, choice data, etc. in any format made available to the Customer, which can operate in complete autonomy H24.
We believe it is an important product for achieving company objectives because it allows the correct implementation of strategies and monitoring of personnel costs. The application allows to draw up forecast budgets in excel and csv format, which can be integrated with external data. It allows verifying the deviations month by month, year by year, of the forecast data with the actual final data to monitor the trend of the costs.
It is a product of the highest quality that allows you to interface with any management software. The great versatility of the product allows you to prepare the accounting in a highly analytical way with various divisions (eg: subdivisions by branch, cost center, nature ratio, even by employee regardless of company size). The file that generates is automatically imported from the Customer’s management system. The audit budgets are released with the required breakdowns.
To all our Customers propose the Zucchetti detection system for the management of presences by badge or through online management, supporting them in the creation of the tabular system, the cycles of shifts, etc., providing assistance in a continuous way for the solution of all problems.
To manage the exchange of data and documents with customers in a secure and confidential manner, in compliance with privacy regulations, on our server farm that uses the Zucchetti platform called HR PORTAL. Here we publish all our processed ready to be viewed and downloaded by customers, so as to reduce communications by e-mail.
All published documents remain available to create an historical archive.
This service is very useful for companies that operate with offices in different places that need to receive documentation for their expertise. It is possible to enable access to the portal to different users with different levels of access and visibility according to the needs of the Company. With HR PORTAL, the Customer is authorized to access the archives of his company and to monitor all the existing H24 data. For example: salary levels or variable elements of remuneration, provisions, etc. The possibility is reserved for the Customer to create print formats with predefined contents to be collected from our own. archives independently at any time.
With HR PORTAL it is possible to deliver the single job book in electronic format directly to employees, so as to eliminate distribution and reduce front-office costs in the company.
For customers who wish to completely outsource the service, avoiding the presence of the presence detection software on their server, the maintenance and updating of the software, we offer the web attendance service. In fact, the management presence is resident on our. HR PORTAL portal with 24 hour access with your own credentials. In the latter case, the customer is not required any type of intervention on presences except the justification of anomalies (absences) of the month.
For customers who do not have a presence detector, we provide an online attendance program on HR PORTAL, integrated with our archives in which we provide to enter all the variations of the month (personal data for hiring, working hours, shifts, etc.). The customer remains the task of justifying the anomalies (absences of the month) and eventually enter personalized data for inclusion in the single workbook (eg: premiums, reimbursement of expenses, transfers, etc.).
Human Resources Management Web is the management software that allows the Human Resources Department and the heads of the various company sectors to have all the information they need to facilitate and facilitate the achievement of company objectives.
With Human Resources Management, you manage all the organizational aspects of the staff: from selection to the definition of roles and competences, from training to evaluation, from remuneration policies to the management of objectives.
Completely web based, Human Resources Management web has workflow tools that allow to decentralize to the ollaborators and their managers some processes ((performance evaluations, skills management, training requests and courses registration, etc.) with considerable advantages in terms of simplification and cost reduction.
As an example:
- allows you to interact with the payroll program and therefore to monitor all the data present at the remuneration, meritocratic level, etc., to make cost deviations compared to previous years, to control the variable parts of the remuneration (overtime, premiums) and to create reports with all the data present;
- allows you to manage curriculum vitae on the basis of educational qualifications, specialist knowledge of the candidate, previous work experience and to perform a selective search for content. Possibility to create a c.v. personalized online (additional module).
- allows the storage of contacts with employees (interviews, requests, career advancement, etc.)
- management of roles (professional validity) skills, training paths;
- internal training management (skills, requirements and contents, specific courses, teachers, etc.) final assessment, scheduling and schedule;
- occupational health management (medical examinations, schedule, etc.).
It is a product that allows the release of all the data present in the company archives. The company can use and implement them with those present in their HR management for other surveys. The release can be made monthly to keep the data updated.
The substitutive conservation is the computer process that allows to manage the entire life cycle of the document by certifying its content through the affixing of digital signature and time stamp, which make a non-modifiable document, opposable to third parties and non-perishable, therefore available over time all its integrity and authenticity. Digitally preserving means replacing paper documents, which are required by law to preserve. The service we have started is to keep the single work book on our website. server in compliance with the aforementioned characteristics.
This simplifies the work to customers as we replace the customer as the sole owner of the work book on his behalf.
The benefits of this choice are as follows:
- the customer is not obliged to print the single job book and keep it in the company for 5 years;
- in case of access to the company by the Inspection Bodies, the Customer is not required to show the press of the pay roll and issue a copy, but it will be the responsibility of the study to do so and forward it to the bodies in charge within 15 days. from the request.